If you’re running your own small business, then
you’ve probably given some thought to social media and how to incorporate it
in your broader marketing plans. If you are one of those small business
owners who find themselves a little confused by the hype associated with social media, then read on.
Gaynor Parke is a passionate social media
specialist and digital marketing strategist who runs a business based in
Sydney, NSW called Social Media Mamma.
Gaynor believes that less stress equals more success. She says that stress is
the killer of creativity and productivity and she helps clients create Social
Media strategies that can meet both personal and professional needs. With over
25 years of sales and business experience, Gaynor is in her element teaching
business owners how to develop their business using the relationship marketing
techniques that Social Media provides.
I recently invited Gaynor to share a few social media marketing tips with us - as well as to share some of her business experience:
1. What motivated you to start your own business Gaynor?
It might sound corny but Social Media Marketing led
me to the fulfilment of a childhood dream, to become a teacher. Thus my Social
Media Mamma business was born. Here I can combine business and personal
development. You see you really can’t separate the two. Who we are shapes our
business and our business impacts our lives. When you understand more about how
a person ticks you are much more proficient at helping them grow their
Gaynor, you’ve advised many small business owners on how they can leverage
social media – what are some of the common mistakes that small business makes
with social media?
Yes you may be able to create a fabulously viral marketing
campaign and that may or may not result in an immediate upswing in sales.
Mostly though, Social Media marketing is a race for the tortoise, not the hare.
Continued consistency and great content, will definitely win the race.
ii) Many
people think that it’s all so easy and they don’t need help. After all, their
children can help them create a Facebook page for business right? Wrong! There
is always a right and wrong way of doing things that’s why there are
professionals in any field. Just because you build it doesn’t mean they will
The right strategies and marketing plan along with
a strong knowledge of the program you are using is vital to success. It’s all
too easy to waste precious time and money floundering around and “playing” at
Social Media rather than getting the right advice from the beginning.
iii) Some small
business owners think it’s all too hard. In fact Social Media is actually
dialling back the clock to the old days of talking to the customer one-on-one
over the counter. Business owners just need to see Social Media as real life
communication only you just can’t see
the other person.
Social Media has actually turned marketing on it’s
head. Passive marketing just doesn’t cut it now-days. People want to know who
is behind the business. They want to
communicate and they want to be engaged. If you don’t communicate with them in
their chosen digital space – then the likelihood is that they will simply go
off and connect with one of your competitors.
To build trust and actually communicate first hand
with customers is the “gold” that most business owners miss. Knowing your
customer is priceless. The more you can get to know them via Social Media the
more you can offer them products they really want to buy. Small business owners
don’t need to be overwhelmed by it all – there are people around who can help
you make sense of it.
Do you have any tips on which social media
platforms are best suited to different types of businesses ?
Business owners need to become very familiar with
the profile of their customer and be clear about what they want to achieve. A
simple place to start when you run a business is with a regular blog, producing
fresh content that will interest your audience. This has many benefits including SEO and
should be the hub of how you leverage your business via Social Media networks.
This demographic analysis of your customer will
help decide where to place your Social Media marketing efforts. If you’re
selling to women between the ages of 20 – 40 for example, I’d say Pinterest is
a must. Users spend much more on Pinterest than on any other Network, have an
income close to that of LinkedIn users and they spend more often.
Determining what resources are available to be
allocated to your Social Media strategy will also determine what Network to
use. Pinterest uses much less time and effort and generates more traffic to
websites than LinkedIn, Google+ and YouTube combined. However all platforms
have their purpose and can be extremely effective when fully understood and the
right strategies developed.
5. Some small business owners have complained to me
they don’t receive an adequate ROI for the time they allocate to social media marketing
– what are your thoughts Gaynor?
It all depends on what you mean by ROI. Social
Media is for the business owner who is in the long distance race and not the
sprint. How do you measure the good will of a business? How do you measure the
impact of not being seen as a professional business? I’m old enough to remember
when people would ask “do I really need a website” and now everyone sees the
benefits of a website.
Social Media gives the business owner access to so
much priceless information. You can actually do your own market research and
save thousands of dollars on otherwise failed products. You can communicate like never
before with your potential customer. Newspaper advertising is declining because
everyone is online. Magazines are going the same way. Even television must be
feeling the pinch as it’s so easy to watch movies and shows online.
The question today is not whether you need to do
Social Media, but how well are you doing
it? If you’re not up to speed with the new marketing concepts you can be
sure your competition is.
I believe that those businesses who feel that the
ROI on Social Media isn’t sufficient don’t really understand how to use it
effectively. Without fail, every client that I see, leaves me with the
same comment, “ I had no idea it could do so much for my business”
6. In addition to social media of course, what
other marketing strategies have you found most effective in growing and
developing your own business?
Social Media IS
my marketing tool. I have been approached to speak at networking events, to
write articles, enjoyed large consulting roles, teaching positions and generate
online sales - all via my Social Media marketing efforts.
7. Any final words of advice you would offer small business owners about
how to grow their business?
Invest in advice from a professional from the
start. I have seen too many small business owners lose money and put the reputation of their
business in jeopardy due to acting upon poor advice from non-professionals. A Social Media
professional can help you choose the right platform and help you create a
Social Media marketing plan. The technicalities can be learned, but the golden
success is found in knowing what strategies to apply and when.
The landscape of Social Media is changing so quickly and it can be a bit
overwhelming. But almost anything can be easy when someone clearly shows
you how - just don’t try and master everything at once.
If you don’t want to do Social Media marketing,
what type of marketing are you going to do? Whatever you do in your small business, make sure you are
directing your message to your target audience, speaking in their language, being consistent and regularly measuring your impact.
Marketing is crucial for your success; you just have to choose your communication medium and let the world
know about your wonderful products and how it will help them.
Gaynor concludes by advising “I’ve found that when
you focus on service, then the sales will take care of themselves!”.
Thanks Gaynor for taking the time to offer some great tips. Another related article that might be of interest is Marketing for Small Business
About the author
Brian Carroll is the founder of a leadership training company Performance Development, based in Melbourne, Australia. He is a qualified psychologist, experienced leadership coach and an engaging presenter, with a passion for helping people develop their full capabilities