About us

small business Australia bloggerThe blog Small Business Australia has been developed by me, Brian Carroll.  I founded my own small consulting business more than 30 years ago, called Performance Development

My business is located in the Shire of Yarra Ranges,Victoria, Australia. This blog is an attempt at sharing some of my experience in starting, running and growing a successful small business  How's that old saying go ..... "If only I knew then what I know now"
I hope that I might be able to help you avoid some of the mistakes that I made in the first several years of starting my business. There were many headaches, regular periods of uncertainty and long working hours during the tenuous start-up stage. However, I got through it - and I believe you can too.

So, what is the nature of the business services that my company actually delivers? .......

Performance Development. is a corporate training company in Melbourne, Australia. We offer a wide range of training and consulting services to improve business capabilities such as Management Skills, Presentation Skills, Negotiating Skills and Project Management for example.

In addition to corporate training, we offer business services that include executive coaching, management consulting, recruitment training and team building.

Established for more than 30 years (ie. since 1989), the management training that we offer is designed with a practical edge and is delivered in an engaging way. Participants in our courses gain tools, tips and personal insights that can be immediately applied in the workplace.

We have delivered training or provided business consulting to a wide range of public and private sector organisations such as Department of Justice, Department of Defence, ANZ, Computershare, Yarra Valley Water, Barwon Water and Moonee Valley City Council for example

I am a qualified psychologist and experienced presenter, with an extensive background in business and human resources. I am supported in my small consulting business by a team of subject-matter experts, several of whom have worked with me for over ten years.

I warmly welcome you to the blog of Small Business Australia and invite you to look around. If you have any ideas to help improve the site as a small business resource, I'd love to hear from you.

And by the way, here's a short video that explains a bit about my business, Performance Development ...