Maybe you want to sell potential investors on the growth
prospects of your small business. Or
perhaps you’re presenting a pitch to a prospective client …. Or you want to persuade
your suppliers to extend a line of credit to your business. Or you’re trying to
convince your team of the eventual efficiency benefits of a new computer system
that’s being implemented.
Navigating your way around business and the workplace
now-days requires good communication skills, there’s no question about that.
And there are many situations when you need to be able to not just communicate
your message clearly – but also persuasively. Many times when you want to be
able to gain agreement from another person, have them accept your ideas
and win their support for the course of action you are proposingSeven keys to communicating more persuasively
So what are some of the influencing keys to being able to effectively get people “on side” so they become more open to considering your ideas? Here’s seven tips ……
1. Prepare - Know what you want to achieve from your
meeting or discussion with the person. Have a clear objective in mind and think
about the best time and place for you to approach them with your idea or
proposal. Should your approach be a formal one – or more of an informal and
casual one? Are they a visual person – would some visual aids help in
getting your message across?
2. Intend to do at least as much listening as talking. I have found that way too many
people when they are trying to sell their ideas just talk, talk, talk …..
Blah, blah, blah …… A hard sell approach will usually make other people feel suspicious and
defensive with you. Instead, by carefully listening to the other person and asking them questions to genuinely learn more about their thoughts is an important step in beginning to build some rapport with them
3. Speak in the language of the other person. Target your message to the agenda of the other person. Identify
their interests and aspirations. Provide reasons
and benefits of why they should agree that have relevance and significance to them. When
preparing, try to anticipate the concerns and questions the other person may
voice, so that you are able to comfortably address them if they are raised.
4. Stick to a few strong points – rather than
trying to make too many selling points. Otherwise, you end up diminishing the
impact of your strong points with relative trivia.
5. Show them first that you understand their problem, goal or aspiration before you
try to sell any type of solution or course of action. You need to regularly relate what you have to say back to their goals if you want to retain their attention.
6. Welcome objections that the other person may voice
to your idea or proposal, instead of becoming defensive. It is your chance to
address a barrier that would otherwise prevent you from gaining their
agreement. It is far better for you that their resistance is vocalised rather
than remaining “beneath the surface”. Again before you respond, ensure that you
have explored and probed the true nature of their concern. The last thing you
want to do is turn the discussion into a debate, which will result in the person's resistance
to your idea becoming more entrenched. Keep an open mind - maybe there is something you have failed to consider. And maybe you could actually improve your idea by taking their points on board.
7. Recognise when to walk away. Sometimes
you may need to come back to an issue at a later time, if you’re encountering
too much resistance. Go away and review your communication strategy – you may
need to make a fundamental change to the approach you have been adopting with
the person. Or alternatively, you may judge it time to cut your losses and no longer pursue
your idea with that particular person ….. Maybe there’s another
decision-maker who might be more receptive to it?
So in conclusion, success in business and in the workplace relies
upon your ability to communicate with influence across the many different relationships
you have with customers, suppliers, staff and other stakeholders. But if you
want to be persuasive, then you don’t just talk at people - you discuss with people.
You must adjust your message and how you deliver it to your
audience. How you say something is at least as important as the actual content
of what you say to another person. If you do not speak with conviction and confidence,
then why should anyone trust you and agree to your recommendation? And yet there can also sometimes be a fine line between being respected for your confidence and persistence, as opposed to being perceived as arrogant and creating resentment
It’s about
them, not you
Keep the agenda of the other person and their interests at
the forefront of your mind, instead of focusing on your own needs and
agenda. In doing so, it will be much more likely that you’ll end up gaining the
support that you seek. And even if they don’t agree with you this time. if you’ve
followed the above tips, then you’ll still have a firm foundation of goodwill in the
relationship for any future influencing initiatives. Related topics Management Skills Development and also Personal Development
Copyright 2013. Brian Carroll is the founder of Performance Development - a corporate training company based in Melbourne, Australia that delivers management training and leadership development services